Monday, August 30, 2010

10 Months

Sometimes it feels like it's only been a few days. Other times it feels like it's been much longer than 10 months.
Usually I just settle on the fact that I love him.

School has been okay. Mondays and Wednesdays are the awful classes. Tuesdays and Thursdays are the good classes.
It's been a struggle to see Carson. And when we do see each other, we just curl up and go to sleep. We're exhausted.

I feel like a huge fagatron, but I'm girl-crushing hard on Ramona Flowers. Highly tempted to cut my hair like hers. I've been wanting a style like that for years; this has just renewed the idea. At least Carson and I are both crushing on her.

Goals for August:
-Quit biting my fingernails : Day 30, and the urge still crops up. The past few days I haven't had fingernails, anyways. Between school and cleaning a house, my nails have either broken off or peeled apart. I think I need to start taking vitamins.
-Draw more : Drawing I so far has been an excellent push in the right direction. I'm definitely ahead of the others, but it's not so much that it's annoying. It's a nice way to get back into the flow of things.
-Take more photos : Backburner.
-Get a job : Not an option to keep putting this off, anymore. I've hit my limit, and I have to get my ass in gear and get a fucking job before it's too late.
-Make more friends : Maybe one? Or two. Eh. Not really friends, yet. Revisited some old ones. Still feels comfortable, regardless of how long it's been.

Thursday, August 19, 2010


That second picture is exactly what it looks like. Apparently something pulled off/severed the skin and fur on Black Cat's tail. All that's left of the tip of his tail is the bone. The fur and skin is in a lump on our patio. Poor Black Cat. He's not ours, but he lives in our back yard. He's the stockiest, scruffiest cat I've ever seen.

Aside from grody cat tails, haven't accomplished much lately. Saw Scott Pilgrim, and absolutely loved the movie. I was laughing the entire way through. I'd like to go see it again. I churned out two paintings last week. Haven't picked up a brush since then. I need to finish getting my stuff for classes together and getting my parking decal and ID. I've just been super lazy and haven't cared enough to go all the way into Pensacola for that crap.

Goals for August:
-Quit biting my fingernails : Day 19, and they're getting weak and peeling off. It's really annoying.
-Draw more : Some sketches. A few doodles. Two complete paintings.
-Take more photos : If pics of cats count, yes. If not, no.
-Get a job : Eh. Nothing yet. I need to go see if I can snag a job in the hotel at Paradise.
-Make more friends : Failed. We'll see how things go when classes start up.

Saturday, August 14, 2010


Got a thing from Kurt/Haley to hold all my tchochkes. I thought I had more than this, but I guess not.
Went to Walmart and just had to get the peas in a pod.

Goals for August:
-Quit biting my fingernails : Day 14 and I haven't bitten off a nail, yet. My fingernails look like crap, though... They're all different lengths and shapes and I keep getting paint and dirt under my nails.
-Draw more : Haven't really drawn much. But! I have been painting.
-Take more photos : Uhhhhh yeah. Photos. Forgot about those, already. I'd like to make a "ourbedrooms" livejournal post at some point, but I think I'm going to wait until we paint my room. ( OurBedrooms Community ) + ( SaucyDwellings Community )
-Get a job : Still no job. However, I have picked up a cleaning job on the 27-28th this month for $100 with Kat. It's a starting point. I'm also looking into purchasing the supplies to start mass-producing car portraits for people. Figure it'd be an easy way to make some money.
-Make more friends : Ehhhhh. Working on it. Revisiting some old friends. It feels good to see some old faces and just hang out. I'm looking forward to my classes though; I might meet some cool people in my courses.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Starting Over

I just switched my major (officially) from Culinary to Art after many frustrations and confusions and general disarray.
It feels good to be back in a comfort zone, but I still love food. Real food. Not greasy burgers and quesadillas from sports bars.
It's been a while since I've done any real art, and I desperately need to get back into the swing of things.

Goals for August:
-Quit biting my fingernails. I've been biting my nails for as far back as I can remember, and it's become an awfully addictive habit. I quit biting my nails on the first, and so far haven't forgotten my goal and chomped down on a nail. Pretty proud of myself.
-Draw more. I found a 30 day challenge, and I'm playing catch up for the first 10 days of the month, from before I found the list. However, I do *plan to do the sketches everyday. (*planning does not always equal execution. :< )
-Take more photos. I took a black and white photography class earlier in the summer, and I loved it. Currently borrowing Haley's 35mm and trying to get the hang of it. Majorly overexposed a million photos because I'm dumb and forgot that a 35mm is not a little point-and-shoot and that I have to adjust the light meter. Way to go, me! Excited to see how I fare with color film, though.
-Get a job. I quit my job in May because I was moving/my job sucked/I saved up a bit of money and I've been coasting on that ever since. My funds are running low, and I hate feeling poor. So. Job hunting shall be commencing soon.
-Make more friends. I have a tendency to only hang out with two or three people, and that's it. But I'd like to push myself to make new friends and revisit some old ones. Regardless of how much I love Carson and that he's my best friend, he needs his own time without having to worry about whether I'm bored/lonely/whatever.

I hope I can do this. :]